Video lectures

A video lecture is an online record (live or on demand) of a lecture. A video lecture is integrally recorded with vision and audio of the lecturer and a possible (powerpoint)presentation. 

Watching a video lecture

Sometimes you can’t attend a lecture in real life. Thanks to video lectures, you can watch the particular lecture at a later moment. It’s also helpful to watch a video lecture in preparation of an exam. 

Attending a livestream

Sometimes, a livestream is broadcast. This means that you can attend the lecture at the same times as the students who are physically attending the lecture. A livestream can usually be watched as a video lecture afterwards. If there’s a livestream, your lecturer will notify you beforehand. 

Searching for and finding a video lecture

All video lectures can be found at YuJa. You’ll first click on the department of which you want to watch a video lecture. You’ll then search on course code. As a student, you can watch all recorded video lectures, thus not only those of your own department. 


  • Be aware that not all lectures are recorded as a video lecture. Every department can determine if a lecture wis offered as video lecture 
  • Some lecturers also offer their lectures on other platforms. If your lecturer does so, you are notified . 

More information

Do you have a question about video lectures, do you want to report a disturbance, or make a comment? Send an email to

Directly to

More information

Want to know more? Contact Video lectures at 040 - 247 3501 or via the contact form below. 
