Online systems

At our university we use several online systems that facilitate your study path and give you support. During your studies you will use these systems on a regular basis. Below we introduce the systems, tell you how to get to them and what to use them for, and we give you some practical advice.


Canvas is the TU/e online Learning Managament System which contains all your course material. You can see per date what you must know, what assignment to do and when you have a deadline. Feedback and grades are also to be found here. Finally, you can easily communicate with your teacher via Canvas. Read more >

Manage your international experience with Mobility Online

With Mobility Online you can manage your application for an exchange, internship or final project abroad. You can use the tool from the very start of the application process until you finish your activities. Are you a foreign student coming to TU/e for an exchange or research project? In that case, you can manage your application through Mobility Online too. Read more > 


With Mentimeter you can build interactive presentations with an easy-to-use online editor, directly from your browser. You can log in via You can find more information about Mentimeter on the intranet

TE Timetable

Go to TE Timetable to find your lecture and exam schedule. You can easily synchronize these with your personal digital calendar in Outlook or Google Calendar, for example. Read more >  

Office 365

At TU/e we use Office 365 (O365) wherever possible. The O365 applications make it a lot easier to share files and work together with other people. You are probably already familiar with Word, Excel and PowerPoint, but there are many more things that you can use. And did you know, for example, that you can store up to 1 terabyte of data securely and free of charge? Read more > 

Osiris Student

The student information system at TU/e that keeps a record of all your administration. Register for courses and exams, check your grades, keep track of your study progress and apply for your degree certificate when you are about to graduate. Read more > 


The Osiris PlanApp allows you to put together your own study program. Your timetable already contains your required courses. You add your elective courses yourself. The app checks that your elective courses meet the requirements of the Bachelor College. And you can also see right away if there are any conflicts in your timetable. Read more > 

Printing, scanning and copying

You can send print jobs from your laptop, tablet or smartphone from any location to a printer at TU/e. You can also copy or scan documents. With the Campus Print app you can organize your jobs in one place and see how much printing credit you have left (or add to your printing credit easily). Read more > 

Reserving a room or study space

As a student you can reserve a workspace in which to meet with others. Or you can reserve your own personal study space. It is also possible to reserve a classroom for larger groups. A space can be reserved in various ways, for example through BookMySpace (Planon) or Outlook. Read more > 

Software available to download

On the intranet, you can find an A-Z list of all the software applications that you can download and install via TU/e. You may also purchase software yourself via SURFspot, with a special discount for students. Read more >

Online testing and proctoring

TU/e uses a number of testing systems to administer (online) exams and tests. Ans is the most common system, but TU/e also uses SOWISO and OnCourse. Sometimes you have to take an online exam in combination with online proctoring. In this case everything is recorded and an invigilator checks whether you take the exam according to the agreed rules. Read more >

Video lectures

Some lectures are being livestreamed or recorded. More information about these lectures can be found here.

VPN for a secure internet connection

When you study off campus, you need a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection to access certain TU/e systems. This includes the use of software, file sharing and document printing. You can easily set up a VPN yourself on your laptop. Read more >