Studying Abroad

It is possible to go abroad during your Bachelor’s program (possibly with a scholarship), by choosing part of your free electives from a different university.

However, students need to meet conditions with regard to their study progress to be allowed to do so. Students need to have obtained 90 credits or more of their program of examinations for the Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering after Q3 of the second year of their registration in the program.

The Examination Committee will decide whether the elective courses fit in the curriculum of the Bachelor. The elective courses need to be coherent and of a sufficient level. The courses cannot have conflict with courses of your own program. Moreover, you need to motivate why the exchange will be suitable as electives.

Note! If you want to follow elective courses abroad, it is possible to move the Bachelor's Final Project from the second to the first semester, as long as you have got enough credits. The latest application deadline is August. It is also possible to move your BFP to the first quartile of the fourth year.

Exact conditions to study abroad are to be found in the Program and Examination Regulations.

Where to go?

For the exchange in the Bachelor, the department of Mechanical Engineering has agreements with RWTH Aachen UniversityTechnical University MünchenHong Kong University of Science and TechnologyNational University of Singapore and Beijing Institute of Technology. More information about these universities can be found in the presentation “Exchange in the Bachelor BW 2024-2025”.

Steps to take

The following steps are important if you want to study abroad.

Steps to take


Briefing ME

March - August

Research options exchange

As soon as possible, latest June

File request including motivation and content of the exchange program with Exam Committee

Around August 1   

Enroll for BFP if to start in Q3.1

August - February    

Further arrangements for the exchange by students


Enrollment Technical University München


Enrollment Aachen University

January - July


After the exchange:
-    Arrange processing of transcript of records in study progress 

Around Augustus 1    

Enroll for BFP if to start in Q4.1

For more information about studying abroad check the ESA information pages or contact the International Office of the department.

Interesting links

More information

Want to know more? Contact the International Office of the department at 040 - 247 4046 or via the contact form below.
