

As soon as you have started within the Master’s of Chemical Engineering you will start looking for a mentor within the desired track. A mentor is a professor or assistent/associate professor within one of the research groups of the department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry who:

  • will help you with the compilation of the study program, in consultation with you.
  • will specifically recommend courses to alleviate deficiencies in case these arise and help you choose the specialized and free elective courses.
  • within the framework of developing professional skills, will meet with you to discuss the results of the professional skills diagnostic test and the professional skills development plan you have developed.

The main goal of mentoring is to support you in getting the best possible start to your career. The task of a mentor is to be available to help students with questions they may have about course selection, skills development, and career plans.

A big part of the role of the mentor is to explore your career goals, as that will help you put together a coherent education and development plan. This plan should include curriculum choices, professional and academic skills to focus on, and your view on your career after graduating. Your mentor can suggest challenging courses, introduce you to people in relevant research departments and companies, and help you choose a career profile or a combination of profiles.


Suggestions for meetings

You as a student are in charge of your own professional development during the master. Several companies that show a special interest in the TU/e students have emphasized the importance of professional skills. In the first month after starting a master’s degree program, you need to complete the professional skills assessment in SkillsLab, subsequently design a development plan and set up a first meeting with your mentor.

Below, you’ll find some suggestions for when and how often to meet with your mentor. You can discuss the exact frequency with your mentor. Please keep in mind that it is your own responsibility to set up these mentoring meetings.

First month. Introductory meeting with your mentor.
All students start their master’s degree program with an assessment on academic and professional skills, to be completed within the first month. This assessment can provide clear insight into your development needs, after which you are expected to design a development plan and discuss this with your mentor in an introductory meeting.

First semester.
Once you have prepared a coherent study plan and a career vision your mentor can help you sort out which courses and departments to look into, and which professional skills are critical for the type of career you desire or refer you to other sources of information.

Every two quartiles.
Regular check-in meetings to reflect on your study progress, ambitions, career options, and professional development.

Before you start an internship or your graduation project.
Internships and graduation projects are an important part of a student’s development into a professional who is ready to start a career. Your mentor can think with you which kind of internship or graduation project suits your ambitions, development and career plans.

Typical questions you may want to ask your mentor

·         Which professional skills are important in my desired career?

·         How do I know if I’m making the right choices in putting together my study plan?

·         Which courses are available to me?

·         What career options do I have?

·         Who do I approach to join a research group?

·         I’m struggling with something. Where can I get help?

·         Do my ideas for a study plan meet the quality guidelines of the university?

·         How do I choose a graduation project?

·         How can I combine these interesting courses in a way that fits my schedule?

Resources available to you

Besides the online education guide the SkillsLab platform and TU/e CareerCentre are some excellent resources for you:

An online platform for learning and practicing professional skills, such as giving presentations and working in teams. SkillsLab is still under development; new modules are added regularly. SkillsLab provides the online assessment of professional skills you must take within the first month of starting your master’s degree program.

TU/e CareerCenter
This center helps connect students and employers. TU/e CareerCenter offers labor market orientation, job matching, career coaching meetings and workshops to support you with your next career step.

Interesting links

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