Track HySET

The HySET – Hydrogen Systems and Enabling Technologies master’s track is a joint Erasmus Mundus program connected to the Master’s in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. The main purpose of HySET is to train professionals and researchers in the hydrogen sector and related systems with multidisciplinary knowledge.

The program is organized into 120 credits: in the first year, the selected students will acquire fundamental and industrial knowledge while studying at one of the two university entry points (Politecnico di Torino and Politecnico di Milano). In the second year, students will transfer to one of the exit points of the program, Eindhoven University of Technology (MSc Chemical Engineering), Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. The second year at TU/e will consist of 15 ECTS coursework, 15 ECTS preparation for the graduation project, and 30 ECTS graduation project. 

Below you will find the set-up of the HySET track curriculum for 2024-2025. You will find detailed information about the courses In the OSIRIS course catalog.

Please read the Program and Examination Regulations carefully: Education is organized at TU/e differently than at POLIMI and POLITO.