1819 Q1

The results of the Q1 evaluations were provided to the teachers, and have been discussed with the Director of Education and the Program Committee. In general the evaluation outcomes are positive.

Bachelor's Program

  • Courses: 10 bachelor level courses were offered in Q1 with the involvement of 20 instructors.
  • Response: The response rate of the evaluations varied between 19 % and 51%.
  • Overall grade: The majority of the courses was appreciated, 2 courses received an insufficient overall grade and 2 courses were graded as excellent (overall grades are evaluated on a on a 0.0 to 10.0 scale).
  • Lecturers: Students are in general satisfied with the lecturers (on a scale from 0.0 to 5.0).
  • Focus for improvement: The workload in general was perceived as high and the setup and assessment of a few courses is the focal point for improvement.

Master's Program

  • Courses: 6 master level courses were offered in Q1 with the involvement of 10 instructors.
  • Response: The response rate of the evaluations varied between 40 % and 59%.
  • Overall grade: The overall course grades varied between 6,2 and 8,1 (overall grades are evaluated on a on a 0.0 to 10.0 scale).
  • Students were very satisfied with the lecturers, all scored positive results with 8 out of 10 receiving an excellent evaluation (on a scale from 0.0 to 5.0).
  • Focus for improvement: The level and workload of the courses in general were perceived as high (on a scale from 0-5 where 3 is the ideal level) and they are the focal point for improvement.


When looking at the evaluation outcomes of the bachelor and master courses in quarter 1, we see opportunities for improvementIn general students are satisfied with the courses and lecturers but there is room for improvement in the workload distribution, setup of some courses and course materials available.

The results of the evaluations are discussed in the Education Councils and with a delegation of the Program Committee. Within these meetings the plans for improvements will be discussed.