Entrepreneurial behavior

Entrepreneurial behavior enables to transform your skills from the entrepreneurial mindset into a doable set of concrete actions. Either through your start-up, within a company, or by acting in a societal activity. 

Bachelor - Advanced courses

1ZAUB0 Entrepreneurship in action – 5 ECTS – Q1 or Q4

In this last project course of the USE sequence “Technology Entrepreneurship” students apply the theoretical knowledge gained from the previous two USE courses. The ultimate goal of this project course is the development of a value proposition for a technological innovation. Each student team will come up with a unique solution and concept based on given technologies.


1ZMETU10 EuroTeQ collider: entrepreneurship & innovation – 5 ECTS – Q4

The collider is the signature challenge-based learning activity of the EuroTeQ project. The first edition will be centered around the theme: “Leave no waste behind”. Within this theme you will work in interdisciplinary – international teams consisting of students from multiple institutes and in collaboration with lifelong learners.

6EMAC7 - ICMS industrial challenge – 5ECTS – Q4

New science is inspired by grand societal and industrial challenges. The ICMS Challenge will connect creative minds in science and industry, bringing a new scientific perspective to industrial problems. On completion of the course, the student has developed an innovative solution for a technical challenge proposed by industry, which is scientifically sound commercially viable.


2PDASDPM Practical project management for R&D and technological innovation – 2 ECTS

This training is part of EQF Level 8 degree programs at TU/e (PDEng and PhD) and focuses on practical methods, tools, techniques and competencies for project management allowing a project manager to ensure that a project is completed on time, within budget, and that its objectives are met and where they oversee the project, manage the team, ensure the most efficient resources are used and ensure that all parties involved are satisfied.