Socio-economic and cultural solutions are about specifying/making tangible your value creation into the most appropriate social solutions that can make an impact and matter to people!
0SV10 - Sustainable technology in society: introduction – 5 ECTs – Q2 – Introductory
This course introduces you to basic concepts and theories of the co-construction of technology and society and the challenges this brings to sustainable innovation processes. You will gain hands-on experience on how these concepts and theories are applied and reflections on specific sustainable innovation cases. Through this application, you will gain a deeper understanding of the complexity of society and sustainable innovation.
0SV130 - Global sustainability and Innovation – 5ECTs – Q3 – Introductory
This course takes a global perspective, investigating the (inter)dependencies and (justice) impacts that arise due to our (un)sustainable production and consumption patterns and lifestyles that are embedded in broader governance and power structures. It also introduces innovative approaches and frameworks that aim to address sustainability challenges, such as notions of circular economy, responsible innovation and debates on sufficiency and commons. The course positions these theoretical insights in and relates them to real -life settings.
1ZM65 - System dynamics – 5 ECTs – Q4
Environmental stress and accelerating economic, social, and technological changes challenge managers and policymakers to learn how to design and manage high-leverage and robust strategies and policies. Thus, it is a growing requirement for us to learn how to design and manage complex systems with multiple feedback effects, long-time delays, and nonlinear responses to our decisions. However, learning in such situations is tough since we often don't face the full consequences of our decisions.