
Welcome to the studyguide page of entrepreneurship education at the TU/e! This page contains relevant courses for students from all departments who want to develop entrepreneurial skills throughout their studies. 

The complex societal challenges and ever-increasing competitiveness demand constant innovation while considering aspects related to technical feasibility, economic viability, social desirability, and legal framework. That is why the labor market and innovation needs call for engineers with an entrepreneurial mindset to become entrepreneurs, i.e., creating their own companies, or intrapreneurs, i.e., introducing innovation in existing companies. 

This overview contains learning paths or certificate programs and specific entrepreneurship courses offered for Bachelor, Master, PhD and EngD students. Courses are categorized into three pathways:

  1. Wide entrepreneurship, considering innovation for value creation related to environmental, societal, technical, or cultural aspects;
  2. Focused entrepreneurship, directing you towards company creation and intrapreneurial support;
  3. Soft skills and transversal aspects, which must be considered when conducting entrepreneurship activities, regardless of whether there is focused or wide entrepreneurship.

The pathways are presented in a process-wise perspective, where the TU/e courses are organized according to the entrepreneurship development stages. Each of them contains key information of all the available courses in Osiris related to that specific entrepreneurship stage. To help you finding the appropriate knowledge, courses at each entrepreneurship stage are organized at the different BSc/MSc/PhD/EngD levels. 

Besides this, each course contains some transversal skills that apply for focused as well as narrow entrepreneurship. This is indicated with the colored bubbles, as shown below.

If you have any questions or comment regarding entrepreneurship education, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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