
You can submit an objection to a decision by the university regarding, for example, your enrollment, the payment of tuition fees, termination of your enrollment, exemption, reduction and repayment of your tuition fee, financial support under the ‘Profileringsfonds’ Regulations or restriction of access to university buildings and grounds.

You can also submit an objection if the body concerned refuses to make a decision. This is the case if the decision is not made within the statutory period, or if no period is stipulated.

Make sure you submit an objection within six weeks of the date on which the decision was made. If you submit the objection later, there is a good chance that it will be declared inadmissible and not processed. The facility will ensure that your objection is forwarded to the right body.


After your objection has been received you will be given the opportunity to explain it in person at a hearing of the Disputes Advisory Committee. The committee will advise the governing body concerned on the decision to be taken.

The Disputes Advisory Committee is obliged to explore the possibility of an amicable settlement between the parties. If a settlement is reached, the case is closed and the student withdraws the objection.

Governing body

The body must in principle make a decision within 10 weeks of receiving the objection, and should take account of the advice of the Disputes Advisory Committee. This period can be extended by four weeks.

Emergency procedure

If the student submitting the objection has indicated that it is a matter of immediate haste, the chairman of the Disputes Advisory Committee can determine that the committee should issue its advice to the governing body concerned as soon as possible.

The chairman must make this decision within one week. If the chairman decides that there is no cause for urgency, the regular procedure will be followed.


If you do not agree with the decision made regarding your objection, you can lodge an appeal with the Higher Education Appeals Tribunal (CBHO).

You must in principle lodge this appeal within six weeks of the date on which the decision was sent.

There are additional costs relating to this procedure, amounting to court fees of €41. If the CBHO rules in your favor, the university will reimburse the court fees.

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