Reporting undesirable behavior

If someone is harassing you with remarks, gestures, or inappropriate touching, you can take action against it.
Sometimes, having a conversation about it is sufficient. But if that doesn’t help, or if you need advice or assistance in initiating such a conversation, you can turn to a confidential advisor, who is of course bound by confidentiality.

With the start of the academic year 2024-2025, the Integrity and Social Safety Desk will officially launch as the central point of contact for questions and issues regarding integrity and social safety. This desk will have a central phone number and email address where anyone can reach out (040-247 8430 or The aim is to make it easier to resolve questions and problems, as well as to find support. More Information

In addition to providing a listening ear, the confidential advisor can help you to resolve the issue yourself. The confidential advisor can also mediate in finding a solution, but only if you wish for them to do so. Finally, the confidential advisor is the person who can support you when you wish to file a complaint.

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