The Ombuds for Students serves as a confidential contact point for students with problems that have arisen during their studies. Do you have a problem, dilemma or conflict related to undesirable behavior or unfair treatment? And do you believe that the help through the regular procedures and support network at TU/e has not been satisfactory⁠? Then the Ombuds for Students can help you.   

The Ombuds for Students can provide impartial advice, mediate between the parties, refer students to other actors within the support network, or conduct an independent investigation if considered necessary. The Ombuds for Students also contributes to the learning ability of the organization via reports and recommendations to the Executive Board and other bodies concerned. 

Meet Ombuds for Students Roel Notten

At TU/e, Roel Notten is our Ombuds for Students. He shares his position at TU/e with a position at Utrecht University (UU).

Studying is a valuable stage of life, full of great challenges. Students may trust that they will get incorporated in the university community, that provides them a safe bedding every day. It is of great importance that students feel surrounded by TU/e-employees that listen and act attentively to who students are, how they are doing and what they need. That makes an appeal to all TU/e-professionals. It concerns us all.

Roel is familiar with students and education. In addition to his role at TU/e and UU, he is also the Program Manager at School-vAK (School voor Antroposofische Kinderopvang | Onderwijsassistenten Vrijeschool). 

Previously, he has been active as a Board Secretary in primary education and a Complaints Officer at ROC Midden Nederland. He also gained years of experience as a Neighbourhood Mediator in his hometown of Utrecht. 

Key responsibilities and tasks 

The Ombuds for Students acts independently and impartially. The Ombuds for Students also has a duty of confidentiality. Tasks of the Ombuds for Students include:

  • Information provision
  • Complaint handling
  • Conflict resolution and mediation
  • Conducting investigations and making recommendations
  • Referrals
  • Systematic feedback and proposal of changes concerning troublesome or ineffective patterns in the organization

When can you reach out to the Ombuds for Students?

If you have problems related to unfair treatment or undesirable behavior, and if the regular institutional procedures did not solve them, the Ombuds for Students can help you. For example, you think that a staff member, organization unit or a fellow student at TU/e treated you unfairly. Or you are facing an undesirable behavior such as bullying, discrimination or harassment.  

There will be no negative consequences or disadvantages whatsoever for those students who contact the Ombuds for Students. 

Contact the Ombuds for Students 

You can reach out to the Ombuds for Students Roel Notten via phone, email or MS Teams to make an appointment and discuss your options. Roel is working for TU/e on Thursday every other week. 

T: +31 6  39 58 68 47  