Student guidance

"TU/e’s educational mission is to educate engineers who will be able to make significant and innovative contributions to society throughout their career. The Master’s degree is no longer the final step of our students’ education; it’s the first step of their career"

We at the AI&ES program adhere to such mission fully, and the the guidance of our students is a significant part of the  program. We find it very important that you get the right support and guidance during your studies, and we make various resources availalbe to you: academic advisors, stundent mentors, counselors and psychologists, confidential counselors, career academy coaches, and many more dedicated colleagues with TU/e. 

Academic advisor

Your academic advisor is your first point of contact for all study related questions and challenges, such as discussing your study progress, academic achievement and study planning. Moreover, you should connect with the academic advisors for questions about study delay due to personal circumstances (e.g. dyslexia, illness, home situation) or changes to your block, study choice, motivation or complaints, entry and homologation requirements.

Your academic advisor guides you with all aspects of your study program during individual conversations for which both you and the academic advisor can take the initiative to plan. The conversations are confidential and take place in an open atmosphere. Whenever necessary, your academic adviros will referr you to the competent bodies of TU/e, e.g., to student confidential counsellors. 
The academic advisor of the master AI&ES is Marijke Creusen - Erica. You can make an appointment following the link below.

Student mentor

At TU/e we find it important to support you and all other students in feeling welcomed at the campus and in their program. A dedicated student mentoring program has been established for all new students with a first enrollment at TU/e. The aim of the mentoring program is to support you in the onboarding process and to help you get familiar with the program, your fellow students, the campus and all the opportunities TU/e has to offer.
The mentoring program runs in semester A (quarter 1 and quarter 2) of the first year and covers diverse topics, such as the TU/e education systems, study management, communication, exams, and many more. In addition, if you have a (practical) study related question, you can always ask your mentor for advice. All new TU/e master students will be grouped together in a small team of 6 members and asigned to a master student mentor. 

Track mentor

Each of the 6 tracks of the AI&ES programs employs one or more track mentors available to students in the first year of the program. In the first month of the academci year, each student has to choose one of the tracks, and consequently assigned to a relevant track mentor. The track mentor advises the student in composing the program of examinations and making specific choices based on the student’s background and ambitions. The track mentor provides guidance on the professional development of a student and gives advice about international experience.
For an overview of the track mentors and their contact details please visit Track mentor page.  


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 Want to know more? Contact us via the contact form below. 
